2017年9月21日 Daniel Watch 演讲视频:高效的设备、控制和可再生能源系统 Daniel Watch’s Presentation Video: Efficient Equipment, Controls, and Renewable Energy Systems on 21st Sept 2017

 Please scroll down for the English version

2017年9月20日的净零碳设计研讨会上,来Perkins+ Will的科技实践领导和总监Dan Watch先生为大家讲授高效的设备、控制和可再生能源系统。我们现在将演讲的视频与大家分享(英文原音+中文字幕)。


Daniel Watch

美国建筑师协会资深会员,LEED AP,美国建筑师注册委员会委员,科技实践领导,总监,Perkins+ Will


Dan Watch是Perkins+Will的全球设计领导。他出版过四本专著,在四大洲设计了累计超过1200万平方英尺的建筑,并赢得了六项国际设计竞赛。他的作品、对于可持续设计的倡导、专著和演讲激励了数千人。他设计了数个重要的研究设施,并获得了重要的美国和国际设计奖项。他在生物封存项目上领导团队以支持疾病控制中心研究所、国家健康研究所以及应对911后生化袭击的国土安全部。他每年在全球进行演讲以介绍最好的可持续和健康设计方案,对一些国家例如中国、巴西、沙特、卡塔尔、科威特和新加坡政府部门的关键决策者产生了积极影响。在过去的18年中他到中国超过65次,并参与了8个主要项目。他将分享他的经验以及支持2030倡议实现零碳的最新想法。


Dan Watch的演讲从不同的尺度上探索了碳减排的策略,对于城市、城区和单体建筑的高效设备和可再生能源,并通过施工和翻新的过程减少碳减排,并倡导健康型设计,在最后Dan分享了位于上海的自然博物馆和位于加拿大的可持续发展互动研究中心。



  • 城市和建筑减排的策略
  • 健康型设计
  • 通过施工和翻新减少碳排放
  • 城市、建筑的高效设备
  • 能源的关键策略
  • 水解决方案












On 21st Sept 2017, Daniel Watch, the S&T Practice Leader and principal of Perkins+Will, gave a presentation of Efficient Equipment, Controls, and Renewable Energy Systems. Now we share the presentation video (English presentation + Chinese subtitles).


Daniel Watch

FAIA, LEED AP, NCARB, S&T Practice Leader, Principal, Perkins+Will


Dan Watch is a global design leader at Perkins+Will. Author of four books, designer of over 12 million sf in four continents, and winner of six international design competitions, his work, advocating sustainability, writing, and lecturing have educated thousands. He has designed some of the most significant research facilities with most receiving major national and some international awards. He has supported the research institutions at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after 9/11 to address bioterrorism by leading teams on major bio-containment projects. He speaks each year around the world on the best sustainable and healthy design solutions to have a positive impact with key decision makers in the government of developing countries like China, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and Singapore. He has made over 65 trips to China working on eight major projects over the past 18 years. He will share lesson learned as well as the latest ideas to support the 2030 initiative to zero carbon.


Dan Watch’s speech explores the carbon mitigation strategies at different scales, the high-efficiency equipment and renewable energy for cities, districts, and single buildings as well as the carbon emissions reduction through the construction and retrofit processes. He also advocates the healthy design. In the end, Dan shares the case studies of Shanghai Natural History Museum and Center for Interactive Research on Sustainability in Canada.



Efficient Equipment, Controls, and Renewable Energy Systems(Part 1, 13:47)


Efficient Equipment, Controls, and Renewable Energy Systems(Part 2, 19:02)


Efficient Equipment, Controls, and Renewable Energy Systems(Part 3, 16:24)


Efficient Equipment, Controls, and Renewable Energy Systems(Part 4, 09:10)


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